Saturday, December 29, 2007


A poem by Steph and Kate

I sit on the sharp jutting rock
The waves slap at my feet, urging me
To join them on their journey
They travel seaward, to far far away
Places, places man can only
Dream of going, where the world seems
To be at ease, if only it truely were
I sit on the jutting rock, as the waves urge
Me on, I soon find myself floating
Floating seaward, to far far away places
Places man can only dream of going
Places where I float

Friday, December 21, 2007

So long Deep Fried

At the restaurant that I LOVE, they have decided not to deep fry any more food. Geesh guys, I love thoses kinds of things. Well, I guess I won't be goin there anymore.

Kate, no Steph, no Kate, no Steph, okay its KATE


Have you noticed the little pet we adopted? Well if not he is below the about me spot on the right side of the blog. His name is Timber and he is a gray wolf. His personaliity and favorite things are listed below!

Favorite food: T bone
Favorite place to hunt: When I wasn't adopted it was the Deep Wood!
Favorite pastime: Teasing little animals, but not eating them!
Personality: Playful, loyal, sweet, hyper, obedient, FUN!!!
Color: Gray
Eyes: Dark brown, but they appear black
Best friends: Heidi the hedgehog, and Bongo the bat!
Signature: TiMbEr ThE WoLf

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bye bye friend!

Hailey, one of our good friends, has decided to stop doing her blog. She really doesn't have enough fun with it because she doesn't know how to add all the cool stuff. I tried to teach her but she said that she just doesn't like blogger. She prefers to IM and text and all of those things. But hey, we still have our other friends doing blogs, but we will miss Hailey!

We're gonna miss ya!
Steph n Kate

Monday, December 17, 2007

Made Up!!!

Hey guys, me and Steph made up with Danny, and guess what? He broke up with that weirdo girl Karina....Katrina....whatever.......but anyway, he said that any girl who would get us into this big of a fight isn't worth it.....and he's right.


Saturday, December 15, 2007

UGGS!!!!! (australia!)

OMG I want Uggs for christmas soooooooooo much! I am pretty sure that I will get them because for the past month all I have been talking about is how much I want uggs! And how much I love them! I want the chesnut color, the tall kind, believe me, I know exactly what I want, I have done hours worth of research, and sometimes even hours at a time!!!
