Steph: Tall, lots of freckles, medium lenght dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, fave #23, favorite colors are purple and blue
Kate: Medium height, short light brown hair, freckles, baby blue eyes, fave #32 and fave colors are pink and orange
Lindsey: Awsome, funny, taleted, smart! Loves animals, to read, and write! She is sooo super dooper nice and she is like our best friend ever, but we have a lot fo Bff's! is her blog
Gabby: Sporty, cute, nice, smart, funny, Lindsey's cousin! Loves sports, super fast, fun to be around, pretty! She is an awsome friend, and is so cool! is her blog
Lily: Pretty, happy, sporty, funny! She is one of our all time best friends! She's really funny, and loves to just be herself! She likes to act like a kid sometimes, hey we all do! is her blog
Aubrey: Cute, spunky, dramatic at times, nice, smart! She loves to travel and is hilarious! She is an all around jokester!!! She can make you laugh when you are crying! and
Sabrina: Funny, smart, talented! She is awsome at writing poems! She loves cutesy wootsy things like all of the adorable pics on her blog! She's nice, and fun to talk to on Cbox! is her blog
Kelly: Fun, smart, cool! She loves to both read and write, loves gymnastics, and Soda! lol! She is creative and a good singer! She is cool too, we all are, because we are all the best!
Jan: Funny, smart, creative, kind! She is Kelly's BFF and is fun to be around! She is creative, like Kelly, and loves to read and write, they are so much alike her and Kelly!
Danny and Zac: Neither of them have a blog, but they are our friends, even though they are annoying.....ugh....don't even want to go there! They both do a lot of sports and are wicked fast! They do stupid things all the time that make us laugh!
"Real Beauty is knowing that everyone is special." "Find you inner beauty, then find it in others." "Attitude is a little thing, that makes a big difference."
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